Monday, April 18, 2011

I Have a Gripe

Hi there!

We took our dog to the dog park and this pitbull ran up on her and completely started attacking her. It kept barking and trying to bite her. Luckily, she has experience with rough dogs. She treated that dog like she treated our dog, Buddy, who we lost last month due to complications from epilepsy. She used her weight (95 lbs) and her paws to push it away from her.

The owner didn't do or say a thing! The lady just stood there and watched. I was shocked! My husband and I were able to keep that dog away from ours so we could inspect her. Thankfully, she wasn't bitten. Before we could get back to our walk, that dog was already attacking another dog. The woman just stood there and once her dog was done, she tapped him on the nose and said, "no" in a soft voice like you might speak to a child. I was speechless! It attacked one more dog before the lady put it on a leash. Even while leashed, it tried to attack another dog and its owner.

Am I unreasonable for thinking that some people should not be taking their dogs to dog parks? And for thinking that if they do, they should know when to leave?

Until next time...


  1. Oh no thats horrible luckily your dog is ok! My 7lb yorkie was attacked by a pitbull, technically two pitbulls in July, my dad was walking him when they ran up to my front door and attacked him, he had many complications with his intestines and a broken paw about a week later he had to be put to sleep because of an uncontrollable infection after his surgery but these pitbulls were unleashed... I dont think you are unreasonable if your dog attacks another dog they should not be there! That is unbelievable how the owner didnt say anything to her dog!

  2. Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry to hear about your dog! That's just horrible!


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