Saturday, April 30, 2011

Birthday Redo ... And a Question

Hi there!

Today was amazing and just what I needed. Since I was sick on my birthday, we made plans to celebrate it today instead. I ended up sleeping until noon :-D

I got some pretty, pretties in today's mail... but since it's dark outside right now and the lighting in my house is poor, I'll wait until tomorrow to take and post a picture.

We went and watched some UFC fights at a friend's house. I'm not extremely into fighting, but it was fun being around friendly people. Some of the fights were quite interesting. One guy was knocked out in only 90 seconds after getting his nose broken. Another guy got a gigantic hematoma on his forehead... AND he was kicked in his jewels twice :-/ I was surprised he didn't win.

Tomorrow will be part 2 of my birthday celebration. Since we didn't go out to dinner tonight, we'll do that. And then I think we're going to browse the clearance section of a beauty supply store. I've never been there (it's a few towns away), so I'm not even sure they have nail polish... the store close to me doesn't :*(

I don't have a new polish picture for you today... I'm still wearing the same manicure. It badly needs to be taken off because the tips are showing major wear, but I'm going to try and make it last through tomorrow night... *fingers crossed*

I hope this weekend is treating you well!

Ooo! I have a question... how do you organize your nail polishes? My hunny poo built me a nail polish rack and it should be installed tomorrow, so I'm wondering if I should organize my polishes by color or by brand...

Until next time...

Friday, April 29, 2011

Pinky-Punky Water Marble Revamp

Hi there!

I decided that my manicure needed some pizzazz...

Pink, black, and silver water marble. Nicole by OPI - Positive Energy, Sinful
Colors - Black on Black, Sinful Colors - Cream Pink, Revlon - Silver Dollar.
Stamped with Konad image plate M3 using Konad's special black polish and Positive Energy.

I'm very satisfied with this new look!

What's your favorite way to revamp a manicure?

Until next time...

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Nail Polish SALE

Hi there!

I stopped in at my local Walgreens store this evening and I noticed that all Sinful Colors nail polish is on sale for .99 cents!

I picked up a few of the neons that they had...

All from Sinful Colors, left to right: Dream On, Pink,
Summer Peach, Neon Melon, and Irish Green.

I'm not sure if these polishes are also on sale at Rite Aid and CVS, but if you have one of the three stores near you... give it a looksy.

Until next time...

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Pinky-Punky Water Marble

Hi there!

I wasn't planning on redoing my nails today, but I dumped all of my polishes out of their temporary storage so I could better admire them. That led to testing colors... which led to removing polish... which led to this...

Pink, black, and silver water marble. Nicole by OPI - Positive Energy, Sinful
Colors - Black on Black, Sinful Colors - Cream Pink, Revlon - Silver Dollar.

This was a rather difficult look to achieve. The polishes I used did not work well with eachother... they dried very quickly and they didn't spread well. I used...

Nicole by OPI - Positive Energy, Sinful Colors - Black on Black,
Sinful Colors - Cream Pink, Revlon - Silver Dollar, Seche Vite.

I painted one coat of Positive Energy to use as my base. I really recommend this silver. It's a nice metallic silver without any glitter. I believe it was Silver Dollar that didn't behave well. The flecks of shimmer throughout it seem to make it difficult- though it spreads over the water nicely and it's beautiful.

Until next time...

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I Have the Best Mother In-Law

Hi there!

I don't know too many people who can truthfully say that they love or even like their in-laws. I'm blessed in that department.

I think it's safe to say my mother in-law spoils me...

She knows just how to feed my nail polish addiction :-) She sent me an Easter basket filled with chocolate and nail polish for my birthday!

From OPI, she sent The Show Must Go On!, Ali's Big Break, Elephantastic Pink, and So Many Clowns... So Little Time. From China Glaze, she sent Ruby Pumps, Limbo Bimbo, Coconut Kiss, Sexy in the City, and Tree Hugger. Thank you ♥

I'm excited to play with them once my current manicure wears off!

Until next time...

Worst. Birthday. Ever.

Hi there!

Man, almighty... yesterday was absolutely awful! I'm the bubbly type of person who loves, loves, loves birthdays. Mostly, I love other people's birthdays and I love it when they get sang to. That's probably my favorite.

I'm still sick. I stayed up until 7:30 in the morning coughing like crazy. I coughed so hard that I couldn't help but vomit :*( Grrreat start to my birthday! I was able to get some sleep and wake up just in time to eat some lunch with my husband before he had to run to work. He was a sweetheart and went to the grocery store to buy the only thing that sounded good to me... carrots, for some reason.

Then I watched some TV with my dog. She's the sweetest. My mother in-law called me and sang to me- that was really nice.

I was super bummed that I was alone and sick. But I was alone because I was sick... I understood that, but it's still kind of depressing.

Then my mom called me. It started out okay, but the conversation quickly turned sour. It was a couple handfuls of issues that simply weren't appropriate birthday talk... worse than anything I could bring myself to type here.

Upset, hurt, and crying, I called my husband at work. He said he was going to surprise me, but he wanted to make me feel better quicker... he told me he was coming home early from work so I wouldn't be alone for the last 2 hours of my birthday.

He stopped off and bought me roses...

He also bought chocolate because "chocolate makes everybody feel better."

Thankfully, the last couple of hours of that horrible day weren't so horrible. I look forward to this weekend. We'll be celebrating my birthday by going out to dinner and then spending the evening with friends.

Until next time...

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Pastel Water Marble

Hi there!

Here's my very first attempt at water marbling!

Pastel water marble. China Glaze - Something Sweet, China Glaze -
Peachy Keen, China Glaze - Lemon Fizz, China Glaze - Re-Fresh Mint,
China Glaze - Sea Spray, China Glaze - Light As Air. 

It's very spring-y and I think it worked perfectly for Easter. They'll also be my Birthday nails... TOMORROW :-D

I used...

Sally Hansen Insta-Dri - Whirlwind White, China Glaze - Something Sweet,
China Glaze - Peachy Keen, China Glaze - Lemon Fizz, China Glaze - Re-Fresh Mint,
China Glaze - Sea Spray, China Glaze - Light As Air, Seche Vite.

I started with 2 coats of white polish so the marble had something to pop against. I had been putting off trying a water marble for the longest time because I thought it would be too time consuming and frustrating. I'm glad I was wrong. Most of the colors I used are from the Up & Away collection... they're great pastels and they were very easy to marble with. They worked well with the water and they didn't bleed.

Until next time...

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Re-Fresh Mint Sorbet

Hi there!

Good riddance to my fever! It's a step in the right direction, but I'm still a ways away from where I need to be. My voice is much worse than yesterday, but my throat doesn't hurt as badly. It was quite the feat trying to talk to my mom on the phone, that's for sure! I still think I sound like a squeaky cartoon character.

Anyhow, there was no way I was going to be able to stay awake long enough to try water marbling... my fingers are crossed for tomorrow.

I decided to play with my mint greens...

China Glaze - Re-Fresh Mint & Sally Hansen - Mint Sorbet.
China Glaze is painted on my pointer and ring finger.
Sally Hansen is painted on my middle and pinky finger.

I used China Glaze's Re-Fresh Mint on my pointer and ring finger, and Sally Hansen's Mint Sorbet on my middle and pinky finger.

The first coat of each polish was rather streaky. I used 3 coats of each polish and the streaks went away. The application of Mint Sorbet was much easier than Re-Fresh Mint and it would have been fine with just 2 coats.

These polishes are so similar in color, but they aren't the exact same. Mint Sorbet is just a smidge darker, though I don't think anyone would ever notice the difference unless they were told.

Until next time...

Monday, April 18, 2011

I Have a Gripe

Hi there!

We took our dog to the dog park and this pitbull ran up on her and completely started attacking her. It kept barking and trying to bite her. Luckily, she has experience with rough dogs. She treated that dog like she treated our dog, Buddy, who we lost last month due to complications from epilepsy. She used her weight (95 lbs) and her paws to push it away from her.

The owner didn't do or say a thing! The lady just stood there and watched. I was shocked! My husband and I were able to keep that dog away from ours so we could inspect her. Thankfully, she wasn't bitten. Before we could get back to our walk, that dog was already attacking another dog. The woman just stood there and once her dog was done, she tapped him on the nose and said, "no" in a soft voice like you might speak to a child. I was speechless! It attacked one more dog before the lady put it on a leash. Even while leashed, it tried to attack another dog and its owner.

Am I unreasonable for thinking that some people should not be taking their dogs to dog parks? And for thinking that if they do, they should know when to leave?

Until next time...

Saturday, April 16, 2011

April Showers Bring May Flowers... and Bees

Hi there!

I spent the afternoon helping a friend move and I was pleasantly surprised that my manicure held up...

My nails painted with China Glaze - Light as Air.
Stamped with Bundle Monster image plate BM10.

The first coat of the lavender was streaky so I applied a second coat and that did the trick. The entire Up & Away collection is perfect for this time of year. The colors are great cremes and they all apply wonderfully.

I'm also excited about the rings I picked up today...

My new bee rings.

They're meant to look a bit vintage, and that's exactly what I like about them :-)

Until next time...

Friday, April 15, 2011

Brown - Swatches

Hi there!

These colors look so similar!

From left to right: OPI - You Don't Know Jacques! Suede, OPI - You Don't Know Jacques!,
Sinful Colors - Nirvana, Elf - Smoky Brown, and China Glaze - Ingrid. 

From thumb to pinky: OPI - You Don't Know Jacques! Suede,
OPI - You Don't Know Jacques!, Sinful Colors - Nirvana,
Elf - Smoky Brown, and China Glaze - Ingrid.

With the flash...

From thumb to pinky: OPI - You Don't Know Jacques! Suede,
OPI - You Don't Know Jacques!, Sinful Colors - Nirvana,
Elf - Smoky Brown, and China Glaze - Ingrid.

Not only are these polishes similar in color, they are similar in application as well. The largest difference is price.

And solely because I can, I took a fun picture of my new bamboo table runner...

Interesting picture of my new table runner.

Until next time...

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Guess My Name

Hi there!

It's been raining here all week and my backyard is an absolute muddy mess. We haven't landscaped it yet and we're just waiting on the rain to subside so we can get on with it. I decided to embrace the color...

I'm wearing 5 different polishes. What? Yes! Can you guess what they are?

Here's a picture with the flash so you can see the undertones...

There are 2 coats of polish on each finger.

I'll post the colors tomorrow :-)

Happy guessing!

Until next time...

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Pink Leopard and Lace

Hi there!

I was finally able to open the polish I wanted to wear last week, so I took full advantage of it.

I used OPI's Didgeridoo Your Nails? and my Konad image plate M50. I tried several variations before I settled on this one. Stamping this image in black looks amazing, but I felt that I stamp too often with black. White looks very good against this pink - but with this image, it covered too much of the base color. Sooo, I used Konad's special pink polish.

My nails painted with OPI - Didgeridoo Your Nails?
Stamped with Konad image plate M50.

It's a subtle, fun look. Didgeridoo Your Nails? applies very nicely with 2 coats. It's a bit difficult to tell, but it has pink shimmer that reflects in the light. You can best see it if you enlarge the picture and look at my ring finger below the glare. Ya can't go wrong with this one ♥

Until next time...

I Need Help

Hi there!

I love, love, love stamping my nails from image plates. Bundle Monster is having a contest on facebook where the winner will receive a set of their new image plates *drools*.

I hate to be a spammer for votes, but I'm going to do it anyway. Don't just vote for me... vote for everyone you think deserves to win. My link is HERE

The vote is public and it lasts until April 20. ... This would be the perrrfect Birthday present for me *April 25* :-) You can vote for each entry once per day.

I entered a picture of the nails I wore to my cousin's wedding...

My nails stamped with Bundle Monster plate BM10.

They were inspired by the fantastic shoes I wore...

My Mossimo giraffe print shoes ♥

Thank you in advance for any votes I might receive.

Until next time...

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Yellowy Goodness

Hi there!

I was messing around with my file today and I decided to play with a new nail shape. Then I wanted to make my nails pop with a bright color. Yellow works...

My nails painted with China Glaze - Happy Go Lucky,
from the Up & Away collection.

I wasn't done playing, so I broke out the Konad image plates. I chose plate M70.

My nails painted with China Glaze - Happy Go Lucky,
from the Up & Away collection. Stamped with Konad plate M70.

The yellow went on quite streakily. You'll need a steady hand if you want to use this color. 1 coat would not suffice and 2 coats were iffy - so I used 3.

I really enjoy the color. So, yay for that.

Yuck for my new nail shape, though. It was fun to try, but since my nails grow inward at the tips it doesn't make sense for a square shape. Tomorrow, I'll start easing my way back into rounded tips :-)

When was the last time you tried a new nail shape?

Until next time...

Monday, April 11, 2011

How To: Make Your Own Nail Polish Labels

Hi there!

What do you do when you come across a polish without a name label? Don't dismiss it.

How to make your own nail polish labels.

All you need are a few household items: scissors, a pen, and blank return address labels. I also chose a polish with a cap that fit into the outline of the bottom of the no-name label polishes to trace around. You can eyeball the shape if you want to.

How to make your own nail polish labels.

Once the circles were drawn, I wrote the names of the polishes on the address labels, cut them out, and then stuck them on the polishes to which they now belonged.

How to make your own nail polish labels.

I hope some of you are able to use this idea. If you don't have blank return address labels, a permanent marker will also work. That's what I used before I bought the stickers. You can also use blank paper and tape or glue.

Until next time...

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Holographic Loveliness

Hi there!

I haven't done a manicure with my Konad plates in a while, so I did one today :-)

My nails painted with Color Club - Fashion Addict.
Stamped with Konad plate M60.

Here's what I used...

Color Club - Fashion Addict, Konad - Special Black,
Seche Vite top coat, stamper, scraper, and M60.

I absolutely love this and it's the perfect spring manicure!

Until next time...

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Pretty, Pretty Holos

Hi there!

I highly credit retail therapy for helping me get through the past couple of weeks. 5 of the new polishes I ordered arrived in today's mail.

My nails painted with holographic Color Club polishes. From thumb
to pinky, they are: Worth the Risque, Revvvolution, Wild at Heart,
Fashion Addict, and Love 'Em/Leave 'Em.
These are the first Color Club polishes I've owned. They all apply beautifully and the formula seems flawless. I was unsure about whether or not Worth the Risque was holographic, so I ordered it to find out for myself since pictures of it vary so widely. It's the least holographic of the bunch. In some lighting, I see flashes of gold, pink, and green. So it is holographic, but it's a baby holographic.

The rest of the colors are definitely holographic. They're gorgeous and I love them!

Next on my holographic shopping list is Nfu Oh - 61. I'm determined to own it!

What's your favorite holographic nail polish and/or one you're dying to own?

Until next time...

Friday, April 8, 2011

2010 Sailors

Hi there!

I'm still enamored by the polish that I got yesterday, so I decided to try it over a red base.

My nails painted with 2 coats of Hey Sailor, by China Glaze.
They're topped with 3 coats of 2010, by Nubar.

The flakies of 2010 reflect lime green, yellow, red, and orange. All of those colors make the cream red of Hey Sailor look like a dark orange. The red base paired with 2010 emits an entirely different look than yesterday's pink and gold combination.

Until next time...

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Rising Rose-alita 2010

Hi there!

I received a pretty, pretty in today's mail and I couldn't wait to use it. It's Nubar's 2010 :-) I put it over yesterday's manicure of OPI's Señorita Rose-alita and Rising Star.

My nails painted with Señorita Rose-alita and Rising Star, by OPI.
They're topped with 2 coats of 2010, by Nubar.

As you can see, it barely shows up over the gold polish. But, man almighty, look at it on the pink!

Until next time...

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Rising Rose-alita

Hi there!

I was going to play with my Konad stamping stuff and OPI's Didgeridoo Your Nails?, but I couldn't open the dang thing for the life of me. So, instead, I did a simple look with Señorita Rose-alita and Rising Star, both by OPI.

OPI - Señorita Rose-alita, OPI - Rising Star, Seche Vite.
 And a drum roll, please...

My nails painted with OPI's Señorita Rose-alita and Rising Star.
They're topped with a coat of Seche Vite.

I used 2 coats of each color. It was difficult to capture in the picture, but the pink has gold shimmer. If you enlarge the picture, you'll be able to see it better - mostly in my thumb.

Sooo pretty!

Until next time...

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Brass, Bronze, Copper, Gold - Swatches

Hi there!

I recently purchased a boat load of nail wheels and I felt like playing with them and my gold-ish polishes today. This post is picture heavy, so prepare yourself...

Swatches of my gold-ish polishes.

1. OPI - Rising Star
2. OPI - Legs Celebrate!
3. Revlon - Copper Penny
4. Sinful Colors - All About You
5. Elf - Copper
6. Cover Girl Nail Slicks - Bronze Ice
7. 3 Stripes - Nine
8. China Glaze - Platinum Gold
9. China Glaze - Passion
10. Nicole by OPI - The Next CEO
11. China Glaze - Swing Baby
12. 3 Stripes - Eight
13. 3 Stripes - Six
14. 3 Stripes - Seven
15. Maybelline Express Finish - Brassy
16. Elf - Blush
17. Nicole by OPI - It Starts With Me
18. Silver Square - One
19. China Glaze - Delight

1. OPI - Rising Star, 2. OPI - Legs Celebrate!, 3. Revlon - Copper Penny,
4. Sinful Colors - All About You, 5. Elf - Copper

1. OPI - Rising Star, 2. OPI - Legs Celebrate!, 3. Revlon - Copper Penny,
4. Sinful Colors - All About You, 5. Elf - Copper

All of the swatches #1 - #5 are 2 coats except for #4. I used 3 coats. It's a clear-based, fine gold glitter top coat with hints of orangy-red glitter.

6. Cover Girl Nail Slicks - Bronze Ice, 7. 3 Stripes - Nine,
8. China Glaze - Platinum Gold, 9. China Glaze - Passion,
10. Nicole by OPI - The Next CEO

6. Cover Girl Nail Slicks - Bronze Ice, 7. 3 Stripes - Nine,
8. China Glaze - Platinum Gold, 9. China Glaze - Passion,
10. Nicole by OPI - The Next CEO

All of the swatches #6 - #10 are 2 coats except for #8 and #9. I only used 1 coat. They are perfect polishes to stamp with.

11. China Glaze - Swing Baby, 12. 3 Stripes - Eight, 13. 3 Stripes - Six,
14. 3 Stripes - Seven, 15. Maybelline Express Finish - Brassy

11. China Glaze - Swing Baby, 12. 3 Stripes - Eight, 13. 3 Stripes - Six,
14. 3 Stripes - Seven, 15. Maybelline Express Finish - Brassy

All of the swatches #11 - #15 are 2 coats. "3 Stripes" isn't a brand - I made those up for identification purposes. Those polishes came from makeup sets that are popular during holiday seasons. #10 and #11 have the same finish. They are very similar in color - #10 leans toward gold and #11 leans toward brown.

16. Elf - Blush, 17. Nicole by OPI - It Starts With Me,
18. Silver Square - One, 19. China Glaze - Delight

16. Elf - Blush, 17. Nicole by OPI - It Starts With Me,
18. Silver Square - One, 19. China Glaze - Delight

All of the swatches #16 - #19 are 2 coats. "Silver Square" is another identification name. #19 is another great polish for stamping. It looks more mauve as a swatch, while in the bottle it looks copper.

I hope you enjoyed this!

Until next time...

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream for Buddy

Hi there!

Some of you may have already read that we lost our puppy, Buddy, this past week.

His favorite treat was mint chocolate chip ice cream (minus the chocolate). He went nuts everytime I opened the freezer. He also loved my peppermint chapstick.

I was inspired by him ♥

I used China Glaze's Re-Fresh Mint for the base coat and a layer of OPI's black shatter over the top. I used Seche Vite's top coat.

Seche Vite, China Glaze - Re-Fresh Mint, and OPI - Black Shatter. 

Here's the final result!

My nails painted with China Glaze -
Re-Fresh Mint and OPI - Black Shatter.

It makes me smile when I look at my nails.

As far as the application goes, the green went on quite streakily. I used 2 coats and left it at that because I anticipated hiding it with the black shatter.

What food would you like to be inspired by?

Until next time...
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