Hi there!
There's no doubt about it- I have a boat load of Bath & Body Works travel sized lotions...
Bath & Body Works collection. |
Why? I don't know!
Over the past year or so, I've come to the realization that I've got too much stuff. Plain and simple. I've always been the type of person that wants to have something just to have it. I don't need it... don't want to use it... just want to have it. They look pretty together, but it's time to stop.
I've slowly been purging, and it's tough! My hoard of everything is crazy... but I'm a neat freak, so it's all organized perfectly. That's a plus, right?
I feel like I should add that I didn't pay a penny for the featured hoard. My mantra has kind of always been "for free is for me..." not that that makes it appropriate.
My goal is to actually start
using the things I have (instead of just having them to have them)... lotions, scrubs, soaps, shoes, perfumes, jewelry, makeup, books, DVDs, etc. If I have no desire to use it, well goodbye. My friends are really loving this!
I already got rid of 150+ DVDs and an entire floor-to-ceiling bookcase full of books. It's a rush! And now I have room for more stuff! Haha, just kidding... kind of. It does help to have extra space now with the remodeling I'm doing!
Do you hoard anything?
Until next time...