Saturday, June 18, 2011

What's In My Purse

Hi there!

A huge thanks to Sarah for tagging me on this one! How fun!

My purse.

How it works: empty your purse, answer the questions, and tag 5 bloggers to find out what's inside their purse!

What's in my purse?

1. Where did you get your purse, and how long have you had it? I got my purse at Target when one of my best friends was visiting back in March of this year.

2. What are 3 must-haves (not including keys and wallet) in your purse? I won't leave the house without my heartburn medicine or chapstick! And I always keep a hair clip and bobby pins.

3. What is something that you should have in your purse right now, but don't? I need to buy another package of mints. Though I don't necessarily need them, they're always nice to have... just in case!

4. What is the thing you have the most of in your purse right now? I can never have enough pens... or pills, so it seems!

5. Is there something in your purse you should explain? I feel like I should explain the socks and the slippers. I wear flats without socks almost everyday and I never know when I'll be going bowling, so that should explain the socks :-) When I go to my friend's houses, I take my shoes off as a courtesy. I don't like to walk around barefoot in case I step in something funky, so that should explain the slippers :-) I suppose having only the socks would remedy both scenarios. Oh well.

The pretty inside of my purse...

My purse.

I'd like to tag any and all of you! Post your link here... I'd love to see it!

Until next time...


  1. Glad you enjoyed this! I started this one this morning. :D :D

  2. I figured it'd be someone cool :) I love stuff like this! I added a question just because I really felt like I needed to explain... I get a lot of odd looks when people find out what I keep in there!

  3. Thanks for the tag! I'll have to get on that tomorrow :)

    I am LOVING that you have Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang in there. Her books are HILARIOUS!

  4. I'm glad you added a question! I was having trouble figuring out what to add!

  5. @Thenailaholic: I think her first book was the best out of the bunch. I read it in 1 day and my husband kept coming into the room asking me why I was laughing so loudly! Haha :) I'm a sucker for funny books. I own just about every book ever written by a comedian.

    @Amber: I'm interested to see what other people add... like a game of 'telephone' who knows how it'll end up!

  6. Oh, how fun! Love this! I love Chelsea Handler's books, too. She is so freakin' hi-larious!

  7. Woot! Doing it right now! ;)

  8. Tagged you for the Top 10 Award!!!!!

  9. Oh I am so lame I just saw this... I will get to posting it right away!


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